Nov 28, 2017

randy komisar clams that his career makes much more sense when viewed through the rear view mirror than through the windshield. This statement is through for most of us. When you look back on your career path the story makes perfect sens. The road ahead however is always fuzzy and full of boundless uncertainty. It's easy to get frustrated by the lack of visibility ahead. You can however do things to increase the odds that great opportunities will come your way.

If you aren't failing sometimes...

If you do take a risk and happen to fail remmember that you personally are not a failure. The failure is external. This perspective will allow you to get up and try again and again. Your idea might have been poor. The timing might have been off. Or you might not have had the necessary resources to succeed. You are not your company. You are not your product. It is real easy to think you are and it is real easy to get wrapped up in it. But if you fail, and even if you are successful, it is not you. Your company may fail, your product may fail but you are not the failure. Keep in mind than failure is a natural part of learning process. If you aren't failing sometimes, then you probably aren't taking enough risks. 

It is much better to have a flaming failure than a so so success.
[...] the expriments should be designed so that a failure is informative and a success leads to a major breakthrough. Doing small incremental experiments with predictable results is much less valuable than taking a big risk that will potentially lead to a much bigger reward.

Nov 27, 2017

There is strong evidence that the ratio between our individual successes and failures stays the same. There for if you want more successes you're going to have to be willing to love with more failures. Failure is the flip side of success and you cant have one with the other.

Getting too comfirtable with failur however seems risky.

Inaction is the worst kind of failure

I am not saying that your company should reward people who are stupid, lazy, or incompetent. I mean you should reward smart failures not dumb failures. If you want a creative organization, inaction is the worst kind of failure... creativity results from action, rather than inaction, more than anything else.

Things i wish i knew When i was 20

Being a squeaky wheel rarely changes the outcome but it does allow you to get to the conclusion sooner.
Dont sit around waiting for a yes that will never come . Its better to get to ni sooner rather than later, so you can put you energy into opportunities with a higher likhood of success.

Nov 23, 2017

سوالات باز و ترجیحا خلاقانه بپرسیم :)

سوالی شبیه اینکه: «آیا تو واقعاً مرا دوست داری؟» جوابی جز بله یا خیر ندارد و بعید است کسی جز در نابودی یک رابطه، به آن پاسخ خیر بدهد. اما به این سوال فکر کنید: «می‌توانی چند مورد از کارهایی را به من بگویی که اگر انجام بدهم من را خیلی بیشتر از الان دوست داشته باشی؟».

یا مدیری که از کارمندش می‌پرسد: «اگر جایی به تو حقوق دو برابر اینجا پیشنهاد دهند، می‌مانی یا می‌روی؟» و کارمند بیچاره هم با جدیت می‌گوید: «دو برابر؟ هر چقدر هم بیشتر باشد نمی‌روم. این کار اخلاقی نیست». همین کارمند ممکن است همان روز با بیست درصد پیشنهاد بیشتر هم، بدون خداحافظی سازمان را ترک کند! حالا به این سوال فکر کنید: «فکر می‌کنی اگر یک روز – مثلاً ده سال بعد – از این شرکت بروی، چه دلیلی داشته باشد؟». احتمال اینکه در پاسخ به سوالات باز، اطلاعات ارزشمند‌تری به دست بیاوریم بیشتر است.

اینکه عادت کنیم به جای «چرا»ها و «نباید»ها و «تو باید»ها، توضیح دهیم که اگر تو این کار را انجام دهی، به من کمک می‌شود و برای من از این نظر یا آن نظر بهتر است. شکایت در نهایت باید با درخواستی دقیق و شفاف جایگزین شود. در غیر این صورت، جز ایجاد تنش و فاصله و دلگیری نتیجه دیگری نخواهد داشت.

همین مسئله در رابطه با خودمان هم مصداق دارد. وقتی با خودمان خلوت می‌کنیم و حرف می‌زنیم و از اوضاع موجود به خودمان شکایت می‌کنیم، اما نمی‌گوییم که دقیقاً خواسته‌ام چیست و چه رفتار و عملی را در پاسخ به این شکایت یا نارضایتی باید انجام دهم؟

هفت چالش ارتباط / دنیس ریورز

گاهی اوقات، ما آنقدر در تلاش برای در اختیار گرفتن کنترل گفتگو هستیم که ترجیح می‌دهیم به جای گفتگو، یک نمایش ترتیب دهیم. کلمات و جملات خودمان را می‌دانیم. آنها را بارها با خود مرور می‌کنیم و تلاش می‌کنیم که فضایی ایجاد کنیم که در طول یک گفتگو بتوان همه آنها را به طرف مقابل گفت. ما فراموش می‌کنیم که گاهی اوقات، همین پنهانکاری باعث می‌شود طرف مقابل با برداشتی متفاوت در گفتگو شرکت کند و عملاً دو گفتگوی درونی یک نفره با صدای بلند شکل بگیرد!

اگر هم می‌خواهیم گفتگو را به یک نمایش تشبیه کنیم، چنین گفتگویی وقتی اثربخش خواهد بود که طرف مقابل هم از نقشی که برایش در چنین نمایشی در نظر گرفته شده آگاه باشد.

هفت چالش ارتباط | دنیس ریورز

Nov 22, 2017

بخوان خواهرم.
خواندن تو را گرم خواهد کرد.
بخوان خواهرم.
دانایی سرپناه توست.

Nov 19, 2017

Nov 17, 2017

Over time I've became increasingly aware that the world is devised into people who wait for others to give them permission to do the things they want to do and people who grant themselves permission.   Things I wish I knew when I was 20/ Tina Seeling

تکه ای از کتاب

Knowing that you can question the rules is terrifically empowering.
It is a reminder that the traditional path is only one option available to you. You can always fallow a recipe drive on the major thoroughfares and walk on the footsteps of those before you. But there are boundless additional options to explore. If you are willing to identify and challenge assumptions and to break free of the expectations that you and others project onto you.
Dont be afraid to get out of yout comfort zone , to have a healthy disregard for the impossible, [...] it takes practice to do things that are not the automatic next step.

What i wish i knew when i was 20/ tina seeling

Nov 16, 2017

What not to do

The first pilot said : "i was given a thounsand rules for flying my plane" thr secound pilot said: " i was only given three rules." The first pilot gloated, thinking he was givrn many more options,untill his fried said :"my instructor told mr three things i should NEVER do. All else is up to me."
This story captured the idea that it is better to know few things that are really against the rules than to focus on the many things you think you should do.

What i wish i knew when i was 20| Tina Seeling


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