Aug 9, 2018

کسانی که در زندگی شخصی و مسیر شغلی از دیگران پیشی گرفته‌اند، به واسطه‌ی مدل ذهنی متفاوت، در مواجهه با وضعیتی که برای دیگران هم روی داده‌ است، سوال‌های متفاوتی می‌پرسند و طبیعتاً به پاسخ‌های متفاوتی هم دست پیدا می‌کنند.

Jan 7, 2018

As NVC replaces our old patterns of defending, withdrawing, or attacking in the face of judgment and criticism, we come to perceive ourselves and others, as well as our intentions and relationships, in a new light. Resistance, defensiveness, and violent reactions are minimized. When we focus on clarifying what is being observed, felt, and needed rather than on diagnosing and judging, we discover the depth of our own compassion. Through its emphasis on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—NVC fosters respect, attentiveness, and empathy, and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart.

Jan 6, 2018

To arrive at a mutual desire to give from the heart, we focus the light of consciousness in fore areas - referred to as the four components of the NBC model.
First, we observe what is actually happening in a situation: what are we observing others saying or doing that is either enriching or not enriching our life? The trick is to be able to articulate this observation without introducing any judgment or evaluation- to simply say what people are doing that we either like or don't like. Next we we state how we feel when we observe this action: are we hurt, scared, joyful, amused, irritated? And, thirdly we say what needs of ours are connected to the feelings we have identified.
An awareness of these three components is peresent when we use NVC to clearly and honestly express how we are.
Four components of nvc:

[...] thus, part of nvc is to express these four pieces of information very clearly, whether verbally or by other means. The other aspect of this communication consists of receiving the same four pieces of information from others. We connect with them by first sensing what they are observing, feeling, and needing and discover what would enrich their lives by receiving the fourth piece, their request.

Two parts of nvc:
1. Expressing honestly through the four components
2. Receiving empathicly through the four  components.

Dear Gavalda

  Today the postman came and my deliverd books arrived. I was so excited about them. Mostly I was excited about "The consolations Of Ph...